Pacific Access owns projects, not factories. By having a list of partner manufacturers keenly competing for our business, we ensure the best value and quality for your production. Our technical experts are always on hand, liaising with these manufacturers to ensure the work we subcontract to them on your behalf is of the highest possible standard in relation to your budget.
Using our flexible business model means we can give you the quantities and the shipment terms you need, rather than trying to get your business to fit into someone else's supply system. This enables Pacific Access to outperform traditional manufacturer-supplier systems.
In House Engineering
Having our own engineering department gives us more flexibility in finding the best solution for your product supply challenge. It means we can take your brief and develop products in house, rather than relying only on ready-designed goods from third party suppliers. Pacific Access has the proven capability to manage the whole product process from initial design to parts manufacturing and assembly.
Financial Capabilities
Pacific Access understands that in Asia, building strong personal relationships in financial services is vital in maximizing value for customers. It's not just about feeding numbers into a computer and getting an answer at the other end. Whether the financial institution is international or local, they take the time to know their partners and understand their thinking. More than a decade of business in Asia has enabled Pacific Access to build long-standing relationships with banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions in order to provide our clients with the best financial solutions.
One Stop Shop
Once you entrust us with your project, we see it through from start to finish. With Pacific Access you don't have the headache of going online or reaching for the telephone to shop around for quotes on shipping here or purchase order finance there. Our one stop shop for sourcing, production, finance and delivery enables you to concentrate on the other aspects of your business. By covering all aspects of the production and delivery process, we ensure your supply chain management will achieve synergies and economies of scale that would be difficult for most businesses to achieve on their own.